TeamCare – An Overview
What is TeamCare?
A complete care team solution bringing together the Client, Practice, PHO and Health Providers, enabling them to deliver services seamlessly to the client, within budget, with minimal manual back office processing
Who is TeamCare intended for?
Originally created for the healthcare market but flexible enough to be used in other industries, TeamCare was designed to facilitate communication and collaboration between groups of people responsible for sharing the care of individuals.
TeamCare is intended for organisations that are responsible for making services available for clients to be referred to; for funding these services; for controlling, monitoring and tracking the progress of these services and for analysing the outcomes resulting from the delivery of these services.
To be more specific, TeamCare would typically be used by Health NZ Te Whatu Ora or PHOs to make it easy for clients to be referred from their registered practice to one or more Service Providers for services that they may need, and for those delivering the services to receive the appropriate remuneration, under the financial control and management of the District.
How can TeamCare help?
TeamCare streamlines the referral process between the Referrer and Service Provider by introducing efficiencies in workflow:
- Directly links the Referrer to the Provider
- Enables Practices to receive payment for initial triage services where applicable
- Provides immediate real-time status information, with reporting on key data
- Refers patients to the most appropriate, and available, Provider
- Eliminates most manual processing normally associated with referrals
- Provides certainty of payment for Providers for services before they are delivered
- Provides certainty to Health NZ Te Whatu Ora/PHO over expenditure
- Fully flexible budget configurations allows budgets to be allocated by Practice; by Service; by Locality
- Reduces overspend, allows Referrer to decide for whom to prioritise funding
- Eliminates “lost” referrals
- Automatic generation of Buyer Created Tax Invoices negates the need for manual reconciliation
- Capable of integrating with other 3rd party referral systems
TeamCare – the Platform
TeamCare as a platform delivers access to, and oversight of collections of programmes of care, which include sets of services within them. The packages of care are linked to managed budgets, and the types of services available within them can be:
- Simple, fee for service types of services
- More complex, enrolled services with multiple sessions / types of services
TeamCare is a platform, based upon the ‘PREDICT v2.5’ suite, with built-in work-flow engines, definable forms, service definitions, cohorts of patients and service providers.
The platform is flexible in terms of the types of usage and services which can be delivered through it therefore it is simpler to describe what it can do in terms of the types of service bundles which it can manage. It is capable of delivering different types of access to services, in a number of different main styles:
- Referral / direct service request
- Referrals in from a primary care team where the requestor can directly obtain access to a service provider’s service on behalf of their client
- Referral in to a centrally coordinated service
- Enrolment by the Coordinators
- Coordinators enrol directly as a ‘self-referral’, something which has not originated from the normal primary care referral channels
- Triaged services / Stepped Care
- Primary care deliver services initially as part of a multi-tiered approach which could potentially involve others in a wider care team as required later on within the patient’s enrolment
- Combinations of all of the above
The platform can build upon an inward referral (aka enrolment), and can be assigned to a set of coordination services in parallel with direct referrals to allied health service providers (this system was previously known as PCRMS). Extensions now allow a ‘Stepped Care’ approach for service delivery where a degree of initial management and triage is provided before external services are then called upon.
All of these activities can attract service payments as required. Services are accounted for and payments are made through the extensive in-built ‘service definitions’ and their associated charging schemes.
Accounting is performed using Buyer Created Tax Invoices (BCTIs) which can be used to directly pay the contracted service providers. Monthly payment schedules are exportable into external accounting formats which enable you to directly use your own local account and ledger codes.
TeamCare is a web-based system, no software needs to be installed to use this in a standalone environment. For Practices, for integration with Medtech or MyPractice Patient Management Systems, a form would need to be installed within the PMS to launch the service with client pre-population of data.
TeamCare can be used by Service Providers, PHO and Health NZ Te Whatu Ora users from anywhere that there is an internet connection.